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Craving For Caving: Explore Exotic Caves of Myanmar

You have thirst for a great adventure: From mountain climbing, deep-sea diving, skydiving, parasailing and bungee jumping, indeed the sky isn’t the limit! But you’ve done so much and been so many places! Now, it’s time then to dig deep into earth’s shell and try cave
exploration next! And what better place to do so than Myanmar.

Myanmar screams adventure! For the outdoor enthusiast, there is a multitude of elements to conquer and there’s something different waiting just around the corner. Much of it is not comfortable, rather real and thrilling – just what the doctor ordered for the adventure buffs.
It’s time to kick back those boring shoes, put on some hiking boots and hit the trail for some exploration. A good idea would be to start with the caves of Myanmar, particular those in Shan and Kayah – two of Myanmar’s many states and regions.

The impressive list of caves is enough to convince even the non-expert, regular, laid-back traveller to try this activity in Myanmar. Since the country is only now opening more of its locations to tourists, the caves are magnificently undisturbed. Therefore, here’s your chance to be among the earliest explorers to experience these natural wonders and discover all they have in store. If you are unsure about how to get to the caves or how to navigate inside the caves, you can place your trust in the friendly tour guides who are always ready to introduce you to the caves that they know so well and greatly cherish.

Here’s a quick list of the wonders that await!

Stalagmites, Stalactites and a Secret Lake

Cave explorers, make sure Sadan Cave is on your list. This is the place for you to fully enjoy a thrilling cave exploration in Myanmar. As one of the largest caves situated in Kayin State, Sadan Cave dons awe-inspiring stalagmites, stalactites and crystal walls that take millions of years to form. There are plenty of bats in this cave and you will have to bear with the pungent odour of bat guano, but this is what makes a cave exploration authentic and memorable. The paths are narrow, dark and challenging, so it is best to bring a headlamp along to avoid tripping and to enjoy looking at the natural formations inside the cave. But this is not all! The end of the cave opens to a hidden lake flourishing with a rich ecosystem, making it seem like you have just entered a fantasy world. This experience will surely leave you with great memories of Myanmar.

Step Into History

Though also known as a limestone cave, the real reason why you should explore Pyadalin Cave is because it holds a fragment of human history – the Neolithic era. With very little international publicity despite its huge significance to the world, this cave has seen very few visitors and is probably one of the most precious yet undisturbed places of Myanmar, and one should never leave the country without visiting this cave. Located at Taunggyi District,

Shan State, it houses some of the rarest evidence of prehistoric times: stone artefacts, bones, red ochre stone tools and a 15,000-year old cave painting featuring drawings of human hands, animals and other objects. The evidence is proof that the cave was once inhabited by
prehistoric men, and now you get to steep foot on the ground of ancient history. How cool is that!

Pyadalin Cave

Mighty Cave With an Antique Heritage

If you’re into physically challenging cave adventures and at the same time, want to admire the natural beauty of caves, you should travel to Montawa Cave, Shan State. Don’t let its narrow entrance fool you – this cave is massive, and is one of the biggest natural caves in Myanmar! The interior is narrow and low, so you will have to crawl and crouch at certain parts of the cave. The stalactite formation on the ceiling provides a breathtaking view that can only be witnessed in caves that have existed for hundreds of millions of years. Due to this, Montawa Cave is considered an antique heritage of Myanmar and plenty of effort is in place to protect this gem. There is also a waterfall nearby along with a big rock staircase by the cave. Remember to take your time, explore this cave to your heart’s content and take in the untouched beauty of this rare attraction.

Chilling Cave Adventure

Unlike other caves that are known for their limestone formation, impressive size and history, Kyat Cave at Kayah State emits a completely different vibe. Its depth remains unknown, but that only fuels cave explorers’ interest to explore the cavern even more. The surrounding of the mysterious cave is a tad too silent due to the undisturbed surroundings, and you will never imagine what its main attraction is – coffins. In the midst of beautiful limestone and dolomite formation, you will find that the cave is also home to old coffins belonging to the tribes of Kayah, placed at odd positions – in cave cavities and such. This peculiar cave will leave an impression that will last a lifetime. If you’re easily spooked it might be a tad difficult being surrounded by coffins in the cave, but for locals, this is just part of their everyday life and they enter the cave daily to collect guano. It’s a practice that has been going on for

Now that you have an idea of what exploring caves in Myanmar feels like, it is time to experience it yourself! Plan a trip to Myanmar with your family or friends and be enchanted by the amazing adventures Myanmar’s caves offer!


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