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Street Food in Yangon

Street Food in Yangon

By Andrea Johnson

Admit it, everyone’s a foodie especially when it comes to street food. They are such a delightful snack to have as you stroll along the street listening to the rhythm of the city you’re in. Well things are definitely exciting on the streets in Yangon.

Myanmar food is diverse. You might notice influences from the Chinese, Indian, Thai and Vietnamese in an assortment of mouth-watering delicacies. On the streets of Yangon, you can easily spot stalls for almost all kinds of food, from breakfast must-have to tea-time snacks, and sweet and cold desserts that lift the heat of the midday sun.

Tea Leaf Sala

You will find the street food in Yangon irresistible as they all seem familiar yet invitingly tantalising to the tongue. If you enjoy trying the local food of each country you visit, Myanmar’s tea leaf salad will be the perfect start. It is mainly made up of Pennywort leaves and gives off a light and refreshing twist compared to other street food that are heavily fried and have strong spices. The slight bitterness goes well with the special salad sauce that is made of fresh tomatoes, nuts, cabbage, sweet sauce and lime. If you are looking for an appetiser to begin your food hunt, this tea leaf salad is the one!


When in Myanmar, it is a must to try mohingha, the country’s signature dish. Famous as the locals’ breakfast and snack, you can easily find a stall selling mohingha in Yangon. Fish broth may be rare in your country, but the taste is actually really heavenly! The hearty flavour of fish broth with rice noodles combined with chickpeas and fragrant spices will have you finishing the dish in no time! Some of you might find the taste pungent in the beginning due to the amount of spices used, but you’ll get used to it soon enough and before you know it, craving for more!

Fried Chickpea Tofu

It is common to find chickpeas in Myanmar food. From soup dishes to fried chickpea tofu, the taste is deliciously apparent with that much-needed crunch. It’s also perfect for vegetarians as no meat is used. Topped with sweet and spicy sauce, the plump texture of the tofu on the first bite is satisfyingly crispy with savoury chickpea mashed inside. It’s a perfect on-the-go snack if you wish to walk around while munching on something. It can get really addictive – you will find yourself reaching for another one real quick!Shan Noodles
Here’s a lighter version of mohingha if you do not fancy the thick flavouring. There are two versions of Shan noodles. First, you have the rice noodles mixed with chicken, accompanied with turmeric and tomato paste and topped with nuts. With a light sour flavour, this dish always offers a reassuring taste that will gratify your senses. Secondly, there is the soupy version of Shan noodles, served with chicken broth and small pieces of chickpea tofu to complete the dish. The sauce is similar in both versions, but if you love soup, by all means savour the delicious broth.

Quail Egg Snack
Known as Mont Lin Ma Yar to the locals, this snack is also known as the couple snack, due to how the snack is made, with 2 sides of rice flour batter joined together with quail eggs, spring onions and chickpea as the fillings. This bite-sized snack is also very addictive, and many tourists make another round to stalls in Yangon just to eat them again.

Street Pancakes
Pancake fans rejoice! You can find street pancakes on the list of Yangon street food. These are usually made upon order, and you will find yourself munching on freshly made pancakes served from the kitchen. One bite into these and you will be amazed by the soft and fluffy texture that can rival roasted marshmallows. You can also make a special request to add nuts and eggs on top of the pancakes for an egg-xtraordinary taste!

Street food in Yangon is considered to be among one of the best street food in Southeast Asia, and you will find yourself coming back for more the following day. If you are on a diet, it is time to postpone the plan and feast on these tempting cuisines!




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